GOMscript - A C++ like interpreter with source code

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GOMscript is an interpreter for a simple C++-like language. It contains the usual control flow statements such as if-then-else, while and for, and allows to define functions and classes. GOMscript may be extended by adding functios and classes located in shared libraries. These are called extensions.

Unlike C++, GOMscript is untyped. This means that values will only be assigned an (implicit) type at runtime and not at compile time as in C++. This eliminates the necessity of a compiler, resulting in faster development, but also adds overhead to the running program. However, GOMscript was not written to compete with C++, but to produce a tool that allows to interactively put together small applications and to write simple scripts.

I intend to update this web page with more information soon. In the meantime, refer to http://www.cs.cornell.edu/home/bba/ug/ug.html for more info.

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